
Now online November "Close-ups"

Med-Or’s monthly reports are back: geopolitics, economy, security in the Broader Mediterranean countries

Now online, on the pages of our interactive map, the November Close-ups: the in-depth analyses by Med-Or’s situation room.

In this issue also, Med-Or offers to a wide audience, not only experts, an easy tool for in-depth analysis on the Broader Mediterranean. From the developments of the Middle East crisis, with the latest events and the reactions of all the main countries in the region, to those of individual states’ domestic politics, as far as relations with Italy, Close-ups provides a wide-ranging - and unique in Italy - picture of the main events, dynamics, and trends affecting the Mediterranean region.

To download the full report, click here.


“A look over the world”: the fourth edition of the Med-Or Day

The Foundation’s annual event was held on 24 July in Rome, three years after the birth of Med-Or, with the title “A look over the world. The Sistema Italia, the Mediterranean, Africa: The Mattei’s Plan”

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Cyberspace Evolution and AI The International Competition and the Regional Posture In GCC.

We are pleased to release the paper by Luigi Martino - researcher at the Center for Secure Cyber Physical Systems (C2PS) at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi - produced within the framework of the “Digital Geopolitics” project, promoted by Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CISS) of Luiss Guido Carli, thanks to the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

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As it lays “a bridge” to Ukraine, NATO also builds one across the Mediterranean

Seventy-five years after its foundation, NATO held a historic summit in Washington. Emiliano Alessandri puts the spotlight on NATO leaders’ new initiatives for the Mediterranean

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