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Articles Geopolitics

Way Forward; for the Sake of the People

As the clashes continue in Sudan, it is increasingly necessary to find a solution for the sake of the People. An analysis by Akinyi Omondi

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Iran: the presidential election and Pezeshkian’s victory

Following the result of Iran’s presidential election, Med-Or asked five experts in international politics and the Middle East some questions about the possible domestic and international consequences of the vote.

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Med-Or Foundation: 3-Year Activity Report

Presentation of Med-Or’s first three years of activity, from its foundation in May 2021 to the present days

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Articles Geopolitics

Italy and India: between ambitions and common interests. The importance of a strategic relationship

2023 marked 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Italy and India. In March, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni met in New Delhi. This was followed by various meetings between officials from the two countries, including a visit to Italy by Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. The importance of dialogue and collaboration between New Delhi and Rome is underlined by their joint interests, ambitions, attention to developments in Africa and the Global South, and by Italy’s new strategy in the Indo-Pacific, which are the focus of this report

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Rome becomes the Capital of Global Food Security

From 24 to 26 July, Italy hosted the second UN Food Systems Summit. The event was a chance to reaffirm the country’s leading role in the field of food security and its commitment to strengthening dialogue with countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean. By Emily Tasinato

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Rome hosts International Conference on Development and Migration

At the Conference, Broader Mediterranean countries set up the “Rome Process” – a platform for more inclusive, global and long-term collective action.

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Mediterranean Sunset: the fashion show promoted by Med-Or Foundation

The tenth edition of the International Couture event took place on 10 July at MAXXI in Rome, supported by Med-Or in collaboration with the Italo-Lebanese Cultural Institute.

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Articles Economy

China’s demographic problem

For the first time in the history of demography, a great nation is aging before becoming rich. The analysis by Guido Bolaffi

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House of the Abrahamic Family inaugurated in Abu Dhabi

The House of the Abrahamic Family, a symbol of interreligious dialogue and rapprochement between peoples, has been inaugurated in Abu Dhabi. By Anna Cossiga

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Yemen and the Italian archaeological missions

The rediscovery and protection of Yemen’s archaeological heritage at the centre of cultural cooperation between Italy and Yemen. By Rossella Fabiani

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Articles Economy

The economy of India between emigration and remittances

From workers’ remittances to study abroad visas: India turns emigration into a strength for its economy. An analysis by Guido Bolaffi.

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Articles Geopolitics

The Lebanese banking crisis

The financial crisis in Lebanon and the future of the Lebanese economy. An analysis by Gaja Pellegrini-Bettoli

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Articles Economy

India's race

On the 75th anniversary of the country's independence, India also celebrated two historic events in the space of a few days

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Articles Economy

Government crisis in Montenegro: possible implications

In Montenegro, the parliament's vote of no confidence opened a complex government crisis that could have several implications for the country and the Balkan region. By Antonio Stango

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Articles Geopolitics

Kosovo and Serbia draw attention to the western Balkans

Causes and possible developments of the recent Kosovo-Serbia tensions. The importance of Western Balkan political stability for European security. An analysis by Antonio Stango.

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The geopolitical legacy of Expo 2020 Dubai

From the Iran issue to the Ukraine conflict

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Articles Economy

Aging population paradoxes, between young and old generations, who will dominate the future?

The drop in natality and mortality rates is modifying the structure of contemporary society. The case of China is a clear example. By Guido Bolaffi.

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A new paradigm

Immigration is not an emergency.

By Marco Minniti, President of the Med-Or Foundation.

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The Afghan antifeminist totalitarianism

The rationale behind the Taliban’s repression of women. An analysis by Guido Bolaffi.

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Saudi Arabia: Jeddah hosts first international film festival

In Saudi Arabia, the cultural revolution also unfolds through the cinema. Jeddah hosted its first international film festival. Rossella Fabiani reports

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Articles Economy

Global migrant remittances and the pandemic. What happened in 2021

In 2021, despite the substantial block on migration caused by COVID-19, migrant remittances did not plummet as had been forecast by the World Bank. The situation in the South Asia Countries in the focus by Guido Bolaffi

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Articles Economy

Jordan: key player and regional mediator

Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, king Abdullah is showing all of his diplomatic abilities. The renewed good relations with the US and with several other states across the region could make Jordan a valuable mediator in the MENA region.

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Algeria: the restoration project of the Casbah of Algiers

The Algerian Government is launching a new rescue plan for Algiers’ Casbah. Sitting at the heart of the old town, the Casbah represents a piece of history for the city and the country as a whole. Rossella Fabiani explains why this project is so important for the country.

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Articles Geopolitics

Covid and Africa: three lessons that the West should learn quickly

The Covid pandemic in Africa is producing serious consequences. The continent not only needs help in the solution of the health crisis, but a paradigm shift in international relations.

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Articles Geopolitics

Elections in Iraq: what next for the country?

On 10 October Iraq held elections for the renewal of its parliament: results and future challenges of the new government.

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Articles Geopolitics

Lebanon: between old problems and future challenges

Hit by the worst economic and financial crisis in its history, Lebanon is on the brink of collapse. The international community has promised assistance in exchange for reforms.

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Articles Geopolitics

Najla Bouden Romdhane assigned to form a government in Tunisia

Najla Bouden Romdhane is the first woman assigned to form a government in Tunisia’s history.

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Articles Geopolitics

Algeria’s reluctant leadership

Old guard faces consensus crisis, internal tensions and complex border issues

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