

Morocco: monthly report June 2024

Rabat and Washington’s military partnership continues apace. US group Collins Industries struck a 265-million-dollar deal with the Moroccan armed forces (FAR) to supply Moroccan F16 fighters with DB – and MS-110 reconnaissance systems. On the backdrop of a deal with Lockheed Martin to maintain and upgrade its aerial forces, Morocco had also bought the Viper Shield electronic system from L3 Harris last November. In April, moreover, the US Department also greenlit the kingdom’s request for 40 JSOW AG154 missiles for 250 million dollars. This month, the Pentagon notified to Congress the sale of 18 Himars rocket launchers for 524 million dollars, which the kingdom had also requested in April through US company Raytheon.

Relations with Europe also seem to be in full swing. Interior minister Abdelouafi Laftit met in Rabat with his Italian counterpart, Matteo Piantedosi, to discuss migration and border security;later this month, Italian minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini visited the Moroccan capital and signed a memorandum of understanding with Moroccan counterpart Abdellatif Miraoui in the framework of the Mattei Plan for Africa. Meanwhile, the Moroccan and German Foreign ministers, Nasser Bourita and Annalena Baerbock, met in Berlin for the first Morocco-Germany Strategic Dialogue forum. A joint declaration on renewable energy and climate policy cooperation was also signed on the sidelines of the meeting, with particular attention to the development of a Moroccan green hydrogen supply chain, of which Germany is a strong advocate. Finally, the head of Moroccan national security, Abdellatif Hammouchi, met in Paris with his French counterparts from the police forces and the external and internal security services. Organized by France, the meetings follow a call for early elections by president Macron and likely aim to reinforcesecurity cooperation with Morocco.

More news, finally, in the energy sector. Turkiye and Morocco signed two agreements to expand cooperation in mining, oil, and gas and renewable energy: the deal took place in Rabat under the auspices of the Moroccan minister for Energy transition, Leila Benali, and Turkish Energy minister Alparslan Bayraktar. Meanwhile, British group Energean announced it would divest from his assets in Italy, Croatia, and Egypt to focus on development of gas resources in Morocco. Energean, which sold his assets to Carlyle for 945 million dollars, will reportedly focus on the Anchois field, one of the few gas deposits discovered in Morocco so far.

The kingdom, however, keeps striving to diversify its energy sources. This month, Belgian group Jan de Nul and West Australian Fortescue signed a deal to transport green hydrogen through a 1000-km undersea cable linking Morocco to Europe. Under embargo from neighbouring Algeria – who shut off gas supplies from the Morocco-Europe pipeline in 2021 –, the kingdom aims to satisfy 52% of its energy needs through renewable sources by 2030. Morocco also aims to exploit his high solar and wind potential to synthesize hydrogen, bypassing inflationary pressures on methane gas (which is traditionally used to produce “grey” hydrogen) and reducing climate emissions in the process.

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Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

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Med-Or attends “The Atlantic Dialogues” in Marrakech

Med-Or Foundation attended the 12th edition of the international conference “The Atlantic Dialogues” organized by the think tank The Policy Center for the New South in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Med-Or Foundation in Morocco

Med-Or Chairman Marco Minniti visited the Kingdom of Morocco and signed two partnership agreements with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication

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