Connectivity for the Wider Mediterranean: an event of Med-Or, together with the GMF, Compagnia di San Paolo and NATO PDD
The 24th edition of the Mediterranean Strategy Group, a transatlantic dialogue forum on the Mediterranean, took place in Rome from 3 to 5 June. The event was promoted by the German Marshall Fund and Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Compagnia di San Paolo and the Alexander Philon Fund for the Transatlantic Partnership.

From 3 to 5 June, over 60 international experts gathered in Rome for the 24th edition of the Mediterranean Strategy Group, the main transatlantic dialogue forum on Mediterranean issues organized by the German Marshall Fund and Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division, Compagnia di San Paolo and the Alexander Philon Fund for the Transatlantic Partnership.
The event, entitled “Connectivity for the Wider Mediterranean”, was divided into 6 different panels featuring experts and representatives from Euro-Atlantic countries and countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean. The panelists – primarily from the institutional, diplomatic, academic, economic and think-tank domains – engaged in a highly interactive dialogue on a wide range of international issues of significant strategic importance.
The panels focused on the Mediterranean’s geographical centrality and strategic location in relation to connectivity, energy transition, digital technology, critical underwater infrastructure and trade corridors, with particular attention to the consequent historical, political, economic, industrial and security implications. The event was also the second opportunity for collaboration in the organization of this initiative, following last year’s edition in Palermo, between the GMF – a leading American think tank, – Med-Or, and the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, with this year’s participation also including the NATO Public Diplomacy Division.