Med-Or Leonardo Foundation: first meeting of the Scientific Committee
The first meeting of the Scientific Committee of Med-Or Foundation was held on 2 December 2021 at the Foundation's headquarters in Rome

On 2 December, the first meeting of the Scientific Committee of Med-Or Foundation was held in hybrid mode, with the participation of the members of Med-Or’s Board of Directors.
Chairman of Med-Or Leonardo Foundation Marco Minniti gave a welcoming speech in which greeted the members of the Committee and illustrated the guidelines of the activities that the Foundation and the Scientific Committee will develop in the forthcoming months. The Committee, composed by 40 members, includes the rectors of many top Italian universities, as well as professors, researchers, and experts in the fields of interest.
“The Scientific Committee will be crucial for the activities that Med-Or Foundation will have to conduct in the forthcoming months – said Marco Minniti. – This first meeting has been a great opportunity to share and discuss the objectives that our Foundation, with the contribution of the members of the Scientific Committee, will pursue, in terms of cultural activities, projects, international cooperation in the academic and higher education fields. From the positive discussion of today, many interesting ideas emerged, and they will be very functional to strengthen our work and our future initiatives. As announced during the meeting, in the forthcoming months Med-Or will be committed to the launch of programmes and projects, with the Foundation's international and national partners. In order to implement these initiatives, Med-Or will cooperate in synergy together with Italian top universities and the members of our Scientific Committee."