
Med-Or Leonardo Foundation: meeting of the Board of Directors. The Scientific Committee has been appointed

The Board of Directors of Med-Or Leonardo Foundation approved the activity plan and the forecast budget for 2021. The Board also appointed members of the Scientific Committee.

On 20 October, the Board of Directors held a meeting, chaired by Marco Minniti, at the headquarters of Med-Or Leonardo Foundation.

Among issues discussed, the Board agreed on the Foundation’s next steps for the coming months including relevant areas of engagement. The forecast budget for 2021, the plan of activities and the proposal of the Scientific Committee were approved.

“From now on, Med-Or will rely on the support of a top level Scientific Committee, composed by distinguished representatives of the academic world and area experts, at both national and international level - says President Marco Minniti. This is in line with Med-Or mission to strengthen cooperation with the academic and research world and to consolidate relations with foreign universities and cultural institutions”.

The Scientific Committee will consist of 40 members, including 19 Rectors from some of the most prestigious Italian universities as well as professors and experts that work on areas of interest for the Foundation. With the contribution of the Scientific Committee’s members, Med-Or intends to develop and pursue a constant partnership with the Italian academic, cultural and scientific world, but also to extend its international projection and encourage new initiatives with countries in the broader Mediterranean area.


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Press releases

Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

Read the press release