Pathways for Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Defence Sector: A Comparative Study.
The paper by Domiziano Cristiani, Federico Deiana and Francesco Meriano – geopolitical analysts at Med-Or – is now online. The research paper was produced within the framework of the “Digital Geopolitics” project, promoted by Med-Or Foundation, in collaboration with the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CISS) of Luiss Guido Carli, thanks to the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

Through a comparison of the cases of United States, China, Russia and Israel, the work aims to analyze the different integrative paths of Artificial Intelligence in the defense sector.
Increasingly central to the process of technological advancement in all sectors, AI has become crucial in the various military strategies and future warfare theorizations. All four countries analyzed intend to use AI to improve current combat tactics or acquire entirely new capabilities.
The approach appears to be broader in the cases of the United States and China, whereas Israel and Russia seem to be more conditioned by the geographical and economic-political components that distinguish them. All the actors – notwithstanding the differences in the ethical field – plan to put a halt to the use of Artificial Intelligence for issues with the most important implications, such as the employment of fully autonomous weapons.
It is possible to download the full paper, published on the Luiss SoG website, at this link.