
“Il Mediterraneo Globale”, Med-Or’s 2024 Yearbook

The Yearbook 2024 of Med-Or Foundation, published by LUISS University Press, is available in the main online stores and bookstores. A perspective on the Broader Mediterranean and its global connections.

“Il Mediterraneo Globale” is the title of Med-Or’s latest Yearbook. Published for the first time by Luiss University Press, the Foundation’s annual report contains analyses of all the countries and most important events in the Broader Mediterranean region.

The Yearbook, which is already available in bookstores and major online stores, also includes three thematic in-depth studies on the strong link between the Mediterranean and Africa, the significance of the connections between the Mediterranean and the Arctic region, and the IMEC corridor, which aims to connect Europe, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific.

In recent years, the Mediterranean region has assumed unprecedented geopolitical and strategic importance. A meeting point between the north and south of the world, as well as the west and east, this centrality has become even more accentuated with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, to the point where the effects of global competition between powers and the reverberations of international tensions are now increasingly evident in this area - economically, politically, and diplomatically.

Over the course of 2023, this trend has continued to grow and the Broader Mediterranean - from sub-Saharan Africa to the Near East, from the Caucasus to the Horn of Africa - has become an increasingly global and contested region, at the center of dynamics that intertwine with other regions and areas of the planet. What is happening in the Mediterranean today is increasingly crucial for Italy and Europe.

Med-Or’s Yearbook explores what happened in 2023 in the countries of the Broader Mediterranean and the regions that surround it. It analyses the main events, phenomena, and geopolitical dynamics that occurred throughout the year, with a focus on their implications for Italian strategic interests and European security.

This is Med-Or’s second Annual Report, following the 2023 edition. Thanks to the collaboration with Luiss University Press, the Yearbook is now available in the major bookshops and online stores, ready for widespread usage.


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