
The role of Iran in the global balance. The Med-Or Foundation round table

A round table was held on October 25 at Med-Or Foundation headquarters with the Italian Ambassador to Tehran, Giuseppe Perrone

On Wednesday October 25th, Med-Or Foundation hosted an in-depth discussion at its headquarters on the role of Iran in global balances. The round table - which was held according to Chatham House Rule - was attended by the Italian Ambassador to Tehran, Giuseppe Perrone, and the Chairman of Med-Or Foundation, Marco Minniti.

The aim of the workshop was to explore Iran’s role in the international arena, with a focus on the country’s foreign policy which has increasingly shifted toward strengthening relations with Russia and China. The meeting also covered a broader overview of the conflicts in the Middle East and the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with an emphasis on Iran’s potential influence on regional and global balances.


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Press releases

Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

Read the press release