
Italy, France: crossed gazes on the Mediterranean

The first seminar on the relations between Italy and France in the Mediterranean was held in Rome, promoted by Med-Or in collaboration with Limes and La Vigie

On Friday 24 and Saturday 25 February, the Foundation hosted a seminar in its headquarters in Rome dedicated to the relations between Italy and France in the Broader Mediterranean, promoted by Med-Or in collaboration with the magazine Limes and the French think tank La Vigie.

The event, the first dedicated to the specific theme of the relations between Italy and France projected in the geopolitical context of the Broader Mediterranean, took place over the two days through 6 different discussion panels in which Italian and French speakers alternated, in a confrontation with the audience in the room composed of experts mainly from the diplomatic, industrial, and military worlds. In the wake of the signing of the Quirinal Treaty, the seminar, which was held behind closed doors, allowed an open and in-depth discussion of some of the most important dossiers concerning the two countries, at both bilateral and multilateral levels, especially with regard to the situation in the different areas of the Mediterranean, the ongoing crises, the different interests at stake, and the actors present at regional level.


As it lays “a bridge” to Ukraine, NATO also builds one across the Mediterranean

Seventy-five years after its foundation, NATO held a historic summit in Washington. Emiliano Alessandri puts the spotlight on NATO leaders’ new initiatives for the Mediterranean

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“A look over the world”: the fourth edition of the Med-Or Day

The Foundation’s annual event was held on 24 July in Rome, three years after the birth of Med-Or, with the title “A look over the world. The Sistema Italia, the Mediterranean, Africa: The Mattei’s Plan”

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Press releases

Med-Or in Rabat for “Higher Education, Research and Innovation Collaboration between Morocco and Italy”. Minister Anna Maria Bernini attended the event

The initiative was promoted by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), the Med-Or Foundation, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and the Italian Embassy in Rabat.

Present at the event were the Italian Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, the Moroccan Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Abdellatif Miraoui, and the Italian Ambassador to Rabat, Armando Barucco.

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