Med-Or Day: greetings from the guests
During the Med-Or Day ceremony we collected the greetings and comments of some of the guests. You will find them all enclosed in these short videos we realized.

Luigi Di Maio - Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Luciana Lamorgese - Italian Minister of Interior
Lorenzo Guerini - Italian Minister of Defence
Andrea Orlando - Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policy
Nicola Zingaretti - President of the Lazio Region
Dimitris Avramopoulos - Former EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship
Khouri Fayiz - Ambassador of the HK of Jordan to the Republic of Italy
Luciano Carta - Leonardo Chairman
Alessandro Profumo - Leonardo CEO
Roberta Pinotti - Chairperson of the Italian Senate Defence Committee
Piero Fassino - President of the Foreign Affairs and EU Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
Raffaele Volpi - Former President COPASIR (Italian Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic)
Gianni Letta - Former Undersecretary of State to the Italian Prime Minister
Enzo Vecciarelli - Italian Chief of the Defense Staff
Maurizio Molinari - Editor in Chief “La Repubblica” newspaper