

Libya: monthly report June 2024

The docking at Tobruk of two Federation warships – the frigate Admiral Shaposhnikov and the cruiser Varyag underscored the increase of Russian activity in eastern Libya. Meanwhile, Italian press sources have reported the seizure of an arms shipment from the container ship MSC Arina at the port of Gioia Tauro. The ship – which was inspected by the Italian authorities on the recommendation of the United States – had reportedly departed from the port of Shenzen carrying a shipment of Chinese Wing Loong drones bound for Benghazi to support the Lybian National Army of Khalifa Haftar.

With a formal protest addressed to the Sudanese consul in Benghazi, the government in Sirte refuted accusations that field marshal Khalifa Haftar – head of the Libyan National Army and de facto leader of eastern Libya – is backing the rebel Rapid Support Forces of Mohamed Dagalo “Hemedti”, who since April 2023 has been fighting general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan for control of Sudan. The widely rumoured allegations were expressed during a UN Security Council meeting by the Sudanese representative at the UN, Al-Harith Idris, who argued that documents given to the Council by the Sudanese government also proved the involvement of the United Arab Emirates on Dagalo’s side. Idris’ statement echoes those of several international observers. In the same days, clashes occurred in southern Libya between pro-RSF militia and forces affiliated to Minni Minawi, former Darfur strongman who currently opposes Dagalo.

Meanwhile, internal tensions surged in western Libya. Amazigh protestors from the nearby city of Zuwara blocked the reopening of the Ras Ajdir border crossing, which had been scheduled for June 23rd after several delays. The crossing, a strategic trade route connecting Libya and Tunisia, had been closed since last March, following clashes between the Zuwaran militias overseeing traffic and government forces sent by Tripoli’s minister of the Interior, Emad Trabelsi, to take control of the customs on the Libyan side. The renewed protests this month also saw sporadic clashes as government forces reportedly attempted to enter Zuwara. Following a new meeting between Prime minister Dabaiba and local notables, however, both Tunisian and Libyan authorities announced the reopening of Ras Ajdir on June 1st. During the negotiations, Dabaiba reportedly agreed to address the grievances of employees in Mellitah, the main gas plant in western Libya at a short distance from the crossing, as well as to undertake electrification and desalination projects for the benefit of the nearby coastal towns.

Download the June 2024 report

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