Med-Or Foundation visits Leonardo’s Global Security Operation Center
On October 27, a joint delegation from Med-Or Foundation and Luiss School of Government visited Leonardo’s Global Security Operation Center (SOC) in Chieti

On October 27, a joint delegation from Med-Or Foundation and Luiss School of Government visited Leonardo’s Global Security Operation Center (SOC) in Chieti. The SOC represents the core of Leonardo’s Cyber Security architecture, successfully ensuring the protection of domestic critical infrastructures and those of several foreign clients every day.
The visit to the Chieti hub occurred at the conclusion of the Executive Course “Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management Solutions” delivered at Luiss School of Government thanks to Med-Or Foundation. Med-Or’s delegation and the Executive Course students had the opportunity to visit the Leonardo center of excellence and see the SOC Cyber Security and Intelligence Experts at work.